What Matters To You?

__28 February 2023__

Have you ever asked what matters to you?

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Yesterday I had a video call with my dad, he was home late and having dinner which my mom had prepared earlier.

My dad retired a few years ago, he was serving in Vietnam Air Defence - Air Force. During those years, he was not home unless it’s weekend.

My dad is a conservative old man, he is definitely not a pleasant person to spend time with. But at the same time he is responsible for what he needs to be responsible for.

My dad and I didn’t actually see eye to eye about many things, but we’re definitely getting more along since I left home for Japan.

With no one to yell at for being lazy or slopping around instead of making the meals, he now has more time for himself, so he joined tennis club and involves in social activities, which I never thought could be happening for such a cranky military officer like my dad :)

His mood, is getting better than before.

My dad handed over the phone so I could speak to my mom

As to my mom, she loves singing and is good at it. She has been doing karaoke and traveling with her female squad. Sometimes she asks me to retouch some of her super low quality photos she took on the trip.

At the age of 54, she is pretty much enjoying social media in a middle-agedly way.

My brother, I don’t know, he seems alive and making money on his own. We don’t talk that much, but we also never hated each other. We like to discuss about some old movies from time to time

Hanging up the phone, I continued with my stuff without feeling anything particularly excited. However, each time I finished such regular phone call, I become more and more aware of the fact that

There are only TWO things that actually matter to me in life:

My family has good health and is happy.
I have good health.

Other than that, I couldn’t care less about.