We Need A Partner Who...

__15 April 2023__

I picked up some interesting facts about narcissism.

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The other day I watched an interview with Dr. Ramani Durvasul - a famous psychologist and author. She delivered a super fastinating session about narcissism and what it’s like being in a narcisstic relationship.

Signs you’re dating a narcissist

In her book, there are 30 characteristics of a narcissist. If you have one or even two of them (well, most of us do), that doesn’t make you a narcissist. But these are some key indicators she pointed out that I found really interesting:

Narcissism is a trait that relates solely to insecurity. People are so insecure that they count on the world and desperately need for validation. That’s why they love social media so much.

A narcissist is a person who lacks empathy.

They are really entitled, that means they expected special treatment to be given to them and not anyone else.

They engage in something called “gaslighting” where they doubt your reality. For example they deny having said things that they said, and sometime you feel the need to voice memo your conversation with them.

They are very superficial.

They get pleasure out of misery of other people. They’re kinda mean.

They only care that their partner look good because it makes them look good, this is like a guy who said “I need a hot girlfriend”. It’s sort of almost the larger than life kind of too pretty couple.

Don’t we all want a partner who makes us LOOK good?
No, we want a partner who makes us FEEL good.
