Getting off at the wrong station

__16 April 2023__

I arrived at Katsuta and was heading to Ajigaura.

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But I get off halfway at the wrong station. It was pouring rain.

It didn’t take long before I realized that I was in middle of nowhere. And there about half an hour till the next train. So I decided to spend that 30 minutes to “explore” this deserted place - Tonoyama Station.

station exit

Everything is soooo rusty, which gets me super excited because I’m so used to modernized and industrial-looking stations in Tokyo.

The tingling rain sound perfectly complements the already idyllic vibe of the place. My umbrella had enough time to dry itself.

The ticket machine didn’t look like it gonna function well. But I know it would.

ticket vending machine

15 minutes passed by and still just me all alone. Imagine being here at night, the neon light would keep flickering, tons of tiny flying bugs, it was pitch dark and all you want is a sound of some vehice.

I remember a scene in Mr.Bean’s Hodiday movie when he got dropped off in the country side and waited forever for a lift but no one showed up. I felt just like him.
But it also felt like an old anime.
Oh, the train is here. Gotta go.